Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 04:19:16 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU
I am working in electronic automotive industry and today we are facing to a very serious problem : if we want to use a PCBoard with a copper thickness of 90�m + fine pitch circuit (0.65mm, 0.5mm) the supplier(several) of the PCB has some trouble t
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 22:25:50 EDT 2001 | davef
Bruce I�m with yall. Designers and fabricators say �pins�. You say: * BGA pins are 1mm [0.039�] pitch. * BGA pads are 0.4mm [0.0157�] diameter. * BGA pins are 0.6 mm [0.024�] side-to-side. * Board thickness is ~0.4 mm [0.015�] First, as you can
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 20:27:13 EDT 2001 | davef
That�s a 672 BALL BGA, bud!!! It�s a BIG Mutha!!! [I know. I know. For some reason suppliers call balls "pins".] Let�s focus on: * Clarifying the units on your PCB and aluminum plate thickness measurements. * Describing your use of the aluminum pl
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 08:17:25 EDT 2007 | davef
Mika: What are the size and shape of the pads on: * Board * Interposer of component Are either of these solder mask defined?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 18:17:49 EDT 2007 | davef
Mika: Based on what we hear you saying, we're not so sure we have a problem with the board layout [1:1 between board and interposer pads, non-solder mask defines pads], but with the flawed execution of the layout. If your board fabricator decides to
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 16:36:39 EDT 2007 | mika
Ah, I almost forget (forgot?) to mention that according to the Gerber files (which is the info we send to the PCB-house) the PCB land pattern for this LGA-36 0.35mm rounded pads and the boardhouse cannot achieve this. I understand them; 0.35mm pads,
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 21 20:40:23 EDT 2007 | mika
Thanks Darby, I got the point of what you are saying. Never the less, I still don't like when a pcb manufactor change the leads/threads on the pcb whitout mention this to us. In such a critical case! There should always be a close relationship betwee
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 19:55:52 EDT 2007 | darby
Mika, I think you will find all board houses "clean up" their customer's files to suit their shop. Depending on the severity of the change; I think they take the attitude that they will not inform you to avoid an argument going backwards and forwards
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 12:25:55 EDT 2007 | mika
Thanks DaveF, Ohh I still whish there was a way to share some pictures... * Pads on pcb are very very strange: It varies from a non uniform pattern but after we measure these I would say ~0.22 - 0.24mm dia. Haha, We have never discovered such a stra
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 23:26:40 EDT 2007 | mika
Hi, We are facing a complete new package type for us in our prototype production. RoHS LGA 36 Land Grid Array with 36 so called pads instead of bumps underneath. It is totatlly flat. This component is only 6.5 x 3.5 x 1.6 mm and we recieved them in a