Electronics Forum: 0402 pick nozzle (Page 1 of 79)

Re: 0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 15:20:37 EST 2000 | Kris

Dave, That's exactly what we are seeing. There is a trail of components leading away from the pick point, all of which are 0402 parts. I can remove the feeder from the machine, advance a few parts into view, turn over the feeder and only half will

s-2000 nozzle pick error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:39:02 EDT 2012 | wendynguyen234

Our S-2000 pick & place machine has head 2 not picking up any nozzle & displays error code 8342(nozzle check error). In ANC setting, head 1 pick/put ok but not head 2; when "MANUAL" box is checked, clicking PICK/PUT then both head 1 & 2's status disp


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 09:08:09 EDT 2005 | russ

It's normal for us when we review design. We have found that in the Y axis we need .015" whereas in the X axis we can use .005" spacing. this relates to our nozzle size vs. pickup skew etc... This wouldn't apply if there are parts taller than XXX

0402 Placement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 09:37:41 EST 2008 | flipit

I would suggest accepting components only in paper tape. I have had better luck with 0402s in punched paper over plastic embossed tape. You can also pick with oversized nozzles if your vision system does not give you trouble with seeing the nozzle.

0402 Placement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 10:28:20 EST 2008 | bobpan

Hopefully you dont have a lot of 0402 placements. You must have 'quality' feeder/feeders for the 0402 parts. You then should limit the picking to 1 head for those parts. Do this by assigning only 1 xf nozzle in your program. oh....Straight z-rods wi

Re: 0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 18:04:40 EST 2000 | Dave F

We've not seen "pick problems". We've seen "release after pick problems" caused by adhesive on components, recently. Could be the came thing, though.

0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Sun May 20 20:53:19 EDT 2001 | Nozzles


Re: 0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 09:29:27 EST 2000 | CAL

Some more information is needed. Is there a machine error indicating a mispick? Or a vision error Component missing? I am not as familiar with UIC machines as I am with Siemens but here is my $.02 anyway. Try shimming the feeder under the pick up pos

0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 10:17:04 EDT 2001 | jdtpfacreate

Kris, Get that high speed camera in there. You have to find out what is happening after the pick point. Also just to throw in another possibility into your cause list. How about static electricty? It can effect such small components. My $ .02

0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 04:37:41 EDT 2001 | Bob

Hi, Kris You mean you have checked the tape&component demension,all in spec, But could you tell me the spec of the tape cave size,I mean how about the gap between the cave and component? Do you have such spec.for 0402 Component? Please inform us

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