Electronics Forum: 2.flux (Page 1 of 3)

Difference between Alpha metals SLS65 and E191 fluxes

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 16:18:37 EDT 2002 | mantis

Can anyone tell me the difference between the these 2 fluxes as i cant find a data sheet(i searched the alpha metals website) for the E191.I know the the 2 fluxes are both no clean but other than that?? The reason i ask is i found some E191 in our st


Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 15:43:36 EDT 1998 | Tom

Anyone know what difference it makes whether SN63A solder wire is 2% vs 2.2% flux - and why ?

Mixing different manufacturers solder pastes

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 07:42:30 EDT 2010 | jdengler

Will the flux residue from solder paste A come into contact with flux from solder paste B? If so you better do some tests. There is always a possibility of a bad reaction between 2 fluxes. You need to test to make sure. Jerry

Reflow oven feedback

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 10:30:03 EST 1998 | Kelly Morris

I am currently evaluating some different reflow ovens for a future purchase. The manufacturers we are looking at are Conceptronic, BTU, and Heller. Any feedback on these manufacturers would be welcome. I am particularly interested in: 1.Service res

Anyone know what Solder lead use to connect Thermocouple wire to PCB?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 21 12:25:45 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

Kester makes a thermocouple solder: Alloy SN10PB88AG2 Flux "44" Core 58 Diam 0.031" I have used this to solder thermocouples to pcbs when profiling for lead-free temperatures. When done you can unsolder the thermocouple and reuse it again. This g

Flux Designations and Composition

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 14:42:55 EDT 2004 | davef

You're correct, for every dumpster full of paper written about solder, there's a sentance written about fluxes. There's dribs and drabs about fluxes in most of the soldering books [ie, Manko, Klein-Wassink, Judd, Strauss, etc] and most of that is ve

Re: Poor solderability

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 22:08:45 EST 2000 | Dave F

Russ: You've got stop soft-peddling this stuff. This doesn't sound like "poor solderability." It sounds like "no solderability." It also sounds like you�re dead meat. Three places to call: 1 Board supplier to get their suggestions on unsolderab

Re: Reflow oven feedback

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 13:47:33 EST 1998 | Chrys Shea

| I am currently evaluating some different reflow ovens | for a future purchase. The manufacturers we are | looking at are Conceptronic, BTU, and Heller. Any | feedback on these manufacturers would be welcome. | I am particularly interested in: | 1

QFP soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 10:07:38 EST 2004 | Patrick

More on QFP soldering issue as per Paul f original e-mail. 1. Problems occured on different PCB's, on different lines using different equipment 2. Flux residue is common in the dimple on the solder. 3. The fault occurred using both "Kester 265" & "Al

Selective Solder Clinched Components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 08 13:10:55 EDT 2013 | rgduval

As with any issue like this, your miileage may vary with suggestions....but, here are the items I would consider: 1. Clinch tightness. I believe IPC gives a recommendation on the amount of bend in a clinched lead; make sure you're not beyond that.

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