Electronics Forum: 265 limit (Page 1 of 1)

VY Software limit MPM UP2000

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 14:20:21 EDT 2009 | jorge_quijano

Hello there, I'm having some problems w/MPM up2000, Vision Y axis software limit error, when I tried to create a new program, appears the "Value out of range for VY BSS POS, spec 0.00 min -26.5, read 8.45" message. Any idea of how to correct this pro

DEK 265GSX squeegee travel distance

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 10:59:22 EDT 2011 | beta

yes there is - I think it is called front print limit & rear print limit

DEK 265GSX squeegee travel distance

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 15:42:19 EDT 2011 | dekhead

Yes it is "Print Front Limit" and "Print Rear Limit". Negative value extends the stroke, Depends on software version how useful it will be, as there are differing limits on how much you can extend the stroke. http://www.dekhead.com

Cpk Variables Control for Paste Printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 16:38:51 EST 2002 | davef

Equipment companies like to talk about �accuracy� and �repeatability�. These measures provide limited information. Flaws of the measure aside, some printer companies have begun to report Cp. * DEK ELA: Cp = 1.33 @ �0.025mm * DEK 265: Cp = 1.6 @ �0.0

Free AOI CDR tools download

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 23:01:59 EST 2015 | dan59314

RvConverter AOI/AVI CDR tools free download Users Manual: http://www.rasvector.url.tw/RvConverter/RvConverter使用手冊.pdf Easy to use : Generate AOI data in just 2~3 steps. 1. Load File. 2. define Output Region/Resolution(Optional)

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 12:49:36 EDT 2006 | magszoo

I'm hoping that someone may be able to shed some light on this error we've been getting on our DEK 265LT printer. Several months ago we began getting a "Rising table position error" after the operator would open the hood to load paste or after changi

SMT line expansion - new oven and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 22 11:37:00 EST 2020 | kylehunter

Hey all, I've made a post in the past about us expanding to a new space, but I wanted to do a new post with specific questions. We currently have a DEK 265, Phillips Opal Xii, and a Heller 1500. Our main reason for expanding is to have a lead-free

Re: I'm baaack!

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 18:58:44 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Technically speaking, there is nothing for me to say. Oh maybe just one thing - to get me back into the fray: Steve, I must say I totally disagree with your assessment of under screen cleaners. I have had nothing but excellent results using the dr


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