Electronics Forum: ace kiss - 104 (Page 1 of 1)

Selective Soldering Equipment selection

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 22 11:34:13 EDT 2010 | clampron

We have ACE and really like it. It's been a > great machine. We also have an ACE KISS 104. Great machine. Awesome support! Good Luck Chris

Selective Solder Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 09:57:30 EDT 2008 | grayman

I do not know if you want selective wave soldering or selective point soldering? If you have good budget say, less than US$200k Vitronics is best for wave selective soldering. However, if you have low budget say less than US$100K I suggest ACE or K

Bottom side adheasive

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 13:13:53 EST 2008 | evtimov

Dyoungquist, As I know RPS is doing that equipment from a long time and ACE is actually formed by x employees from RTS. KISS 104 looks exactly the same as RPS Rythm. :) The point is that if you want to use wave soldering machine, adhesive will be

Selective Soldering Issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 16:30:47 EDT 2012 | grauen06

We are currently using an ACE K.I.S.S. 104. We used SN100 solder with AIM NC265 flux (no clean, alcohol-based). Also, we use topside preheat at 100 degrees C and a 6mm nozzle (as big as we can go with this application). The PCB has a matte finish as

Selective Solder Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 15:06:34 EST 2007 | solder_master

I looked at the Kiss104 and the SPA-400 at the SMTA show in Orlando. I spent an hour with the ACE rep, and walked away totally confused as to how the machine is programmed. I spent 10 minutes with the rep from APS Novastar, and using their Photoscan


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