Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 11:35:22 EDT 2024 | oxygensmd
We are using DCT's agents. Frist Decontron M50 which is quite strong (good for machine and bad for the operators) and ReflowCleaner94. M50 cleans the filters withing minutes in batch and after that I highly recommend to neutral the agents (water batc
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 22:03:21 EDT 2007 | davef
The presence of agitation at an air / solution interface and a foaming agent causes foaming. Most water soluable fluxes contain surficants. Surficants are foaming agents. First, it's likely this foaming is caused by poor control of the temperature o
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 14:05:39 EDT 2024 | davidk
I wanted to open a discussion and ask about opinion: What is a normal result of the inspection of an AOI? How many falls calls per component /opportunity is bad/normal/good? How many defects per component/opportunity is bad/normal/good? What is goo
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 16:50:44 EDT 2006 | greg york
Just reading these comments are really interesting but very baffling. That if the solder manufacturers produces solder which 'is' actually Virgin high quality material and treated with conventional metallic anti drossing agents AND continue to add th
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 04 12:50:23 EST 2002 | babe
Sorry for being late on the reply. Whatever you do, flux from the container or the manufacturers flux pens. Stick witht the same chemistry. Mixing chemistries, IE: different fluxes will create more problems in rework than you will see if you use the
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 04 13:06:21 EDT 2006 | greg york
Sorry Bert For some reason I'm not getting the Email notifications so appologies never saw the reply. The mettalic antidrossing agent reduces the dross to levels of est. 50% less than compared to 63/37 alloy. When used with SACP/0307 alloy and SACP/
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 11:37:50 EDT 2010 | davef
Where on the assembly is the dewetting occurring? Factors that influence dewetting usually involve non-ionic contamination such as: * Residues from board manufacture including silicone surfactants from solder resist & HASL rinse contamination * Comp
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 18 15:25:19 EDT 2014 | davef
The presence of agitation at an air / solution interface and a foaming agent causes foaming. Most water soluble fluxes contain surficants. Surficants are foaming agents. First, it's likely this foaming is caused by poor control of the temperature of
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 02:30:50 EST 2007 | Muhammad Haris
What are Resins, Solvents, Activators, and Thickening Agents in Solder Paste and what are their helpful and harmful effects? AND What are the purposes/properties and effects of Sn(Tin), Pb(Lead), Ag(Silver), Bi(Bismuth), In(Indium), Cu(Copper), Ni(
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:59:36 EDT 2011 | mikegamble
Is there anyone out there that can assist - my Suzuki 1200 P+P runs off a Fujitsu FM R-50cli computer. The computer has lost its BIOS and I cannot boot the machine. Any help to resolve would be great or any pointers as to where I can buy a replacemen