Electronics Forum: assembleon gripper (Page 1 of 1)

Need opinions on equipment for picking and placing truly odd types of components

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 07:14:10 EDT 2013 | vinitverma

Assembleon AX201 is one of the most accurate odd-form placer. It can place anything, including leaded transformers, press-fit connectors, and of course odd form SMT components. You can even use a gripper nozzle for components without a flat surface t

long connector and MG1 Yamaha / Assembleon

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 11:55:27 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar

In my previous job we fitted these connectors with bespoke gripper nozzles (ASM/Siplace) from bespoke trays made for these due to the high volume. It also reduces the risk of damaging the component further in case of a reject. However, at my current


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