Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:21:42 EST 2012 | bobpan
The correct sequence steps should be: 1. tep hold 2-? pick/place/nozzles tep vpass goto 1 This is out of the programming manual.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 09 10:43:58 EDT 2005 | ???
sounds like the part is being picked up on its side....which means.......it could be.... 1. pickup not taught correctly -- X-Y- or Z 2. head to camera calibration is needed 3. or least likely....feeder problems
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 14:15:02 EDT 2013 | charliedci
I would think the two main issues would be: 1)humidity too low affecting static control issues. 2)humidity too high affecting moisture sensitive components. Otherwise I agree with Evtimov, whatever equipment/personnel can handle.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 10:41:35 EDT 2016 | bradholland
oh i did not enter the pcb thickness. it is set to 0.0 I thought this was only to be changed for non standard pcb thicknesses. So, with the pcb being 1.6mm this is probably the answer. I guess this means I'm dumb..
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 05:44:40 EST 2019 | bukas
are you sure #1 and #6 are interchangeable? if I remember correctly there is a catch with those motors, like there are 2 groups, group 1 being #1 #3 #5 and group 2 being #2 #4 and #6. maybe try getting it back and swapping cables at drivers for head
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 15:01:24 EDT 2000 | A. Marques
Hello, I think the problem can be: 1.�- some humidity in the adhesive, 2.�- some bubble of air in the adhesive when you cured the adhesive some humidity will go evaporate and when you make the soldering the same soldering will make a bridge between t
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 04:52:27 EDT 1999 | Paul Gerits
Hi Jerry, normal proces would be; 1st. reflow side (top) 2nd. curring side (bottom) 3rd. insert 4th. solderwave Reason for this is that you have a better handling and no overdue stress to components in case you do bottom before top. It is also eas
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 12:51:37 EST 2007 | Board House
Hi Chunks, Starting copper on outer layer with .0007 is 1/2 oz. copper foil. so if starting copper is .0007 and your Board house will plate an additional .0021 mils of copper. which will give you a finished copper weight of .0028 Mils or (2 oz.) Y
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 02:09:07 EST 1999 | zeek
| Any thoughts from FUJI users on the likes and dislikes (pros and cons) of MCS vs. F4G , and vice versa? | | Likewise, are there any "FujiCAM" users out there who would like to comment as well? | | Thanks. | We have had some experience with both
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 02:10:39 EST 1999 | zeek
| Any thoughts from FUJI users on the likes and dislikes (pros and cons) of MCS vs. F4G , and vice versa? | | Likewise, are there any "FujiCAM" users out there who would like to comment as well? | | Thanks. | We have had some experience with both