Electronics Forum: boa (Page 1 of 1)

Low tensile strenght of SMD

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 11:24:25 EDT 2006 | samir

This RoHS has created a new "underworld" of brokered parts --- parts dipped in Lead-Free alloy to pass as "lead free." I could see some guy with a fur coat and feathered boa hawking lead free parts on the street: "Check it ouuuttt...I got lead free

P&P Support - CSM 84 V

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 20:41:38 EDT 2023 | davef

I received the following ... Boa tarde. Sou o Cap Marcelo da IMBEL FMCE e necessito informação, se possível, de empresa autorizada a fornecer a manutenção corretiva da Pick and Place CSM 84 V III, no Rio de Janeiro ou outro estado do Brasil. Atencios


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