Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 11:55:31 EDT 2002 | ksfacinelli
One thing we did for our oven is hook it up to the compressed air system in the factory and bled in a small volume of air to create a positive pressure in the oven. The air is clean (non-oiled) and comes off the dryer. We can attain 5% RH. Remembe
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 17:58:21 EST 2002 | slthomas
We have a new assembly with bottom side components, and all the chip caps and resistors are 0603s. The dog boned shape of the caps necessitates a pretty big (and tall) dot to hold them still during placement, and when they get placed the dot squishe
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 22:28:37 EDT 2013 | cedric77
1.Weight the paste 2.reflow the paste 3.clean the residue from the reflow ingot 4.weight the ingot By using simple calculation we can extract the percentage of metal or flux loading from the solder paste.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 11:07:45 EDT 1998 | Chris Fontaine
We use dry boxes manufactured by DMS Clean Room Products in Lawrence, MA. The phone number on the tag is (508)683-2325, but I think their area code changed to either 978 or 781 recently. We flow dry nitrogen through the box in order to ensure that
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 17:24:06 EST 2005 | Austinj
Solder spattering, solder balls, components "popping" off pads........ Not a serious chemical reaction, however, as replied to by KEN on 12/21/04 in a similar article: "Are you adding liquid flux? Or paste "Gel" flux? If liquid flux: This, in my m
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:43:46 EDT 2013 | fredcalkins
If you have Flexhead nozzles you need to be careful that whatever solvent you use does not attack the gasket adhesive. I might try a couple of drops of a spray like WD-40 or LPS. Let it soak for a few minutes and blow it out with compressed air. Repe
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:03:55 EDT 2002 | Randy V
There are allot of issue to washing that need to be considered before you purchase a washer. But to answer your question regarding ultrasonic cleaning: 1. Ultrasonics with the correct frequency will not damage most components. Washing in general can
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 14 13:52:59 EDT 1998 | Bill Schreiber
Dear Sanjay, An important issue involved when stencil printing adhesives vs. solder paste is: How do you clean the stencils after printing? Do you need two machines? Two chemistries? Two waste streams? What are the potential environmental impacts an
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 12:07:25 EST 2002 | slthomas
* What material are you using? Loctite 3609 * What is your cure profile? In excess of the 90-120 seconds at 150C that Loctite recommends. * Dot dimensions and tip? 27g. conical tipped needle for the 0603's. I started with a 14 mil dot which loo
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 11:55:55 EDT 2004 | Chris Lampron
Hello Fredrick, I have used several methods of TC attachment including quick set adheasives (not good at reflow temps as Dave suggests) long set two part epoxies (work well if you have the time to wait for a sufficiant cure) temprobes, tape (kapton