Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 12:29:15 EDT 2004 | samaniegocesar
Hello to all of you, may be you can help me, I change the X servocontroller of KME CM82C-MD and when the machine is mounting the component do not mount the component in the correct place, the initial components are correctly mounted but when the mach
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 12:36:28 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr
would appreciate any help for a reference to a maintenance engineer/ programmer to help us revive KME CM 82-C LE, May 1993. apparently the computer has lost the main program. We are located in Fremont, CA. Thanks in advance for any help. yeah, yeah,
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 13:41:30 EST 2004 | samaniegocesar
Hello Ta all!! I'm Cesar Samaniego From Mexicali Mexico. Some of you guys know some Panasonic KME service center in Mexico country?? Some times I have the necesity to take some programing training of KME equipment like SP10P-BD10-CM82C-CM92P, If yo
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 21:22:39 EDT 2004 | Darby
Cesar, I am not familiar with these machines but I have found that servo controller problems do not usually cause mis-placement. They tend to just stop the machine with *axis system erors. As I understand it, after you have done a return to origin,
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