Electronics Forum: cm82c (Page 1 of 1)

AXIS Password for KME CM82C-MD

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 12:29:15 EDT 2004 | samaniegocesar

Hello to all of you, may be you can help me, I change the X servocontroller of KME CM82C-MD and when the machine is mounting the component do not mount the component in the correct place, the initial components are correctly mounted but when the mach

SF Bay Area expert for KME chipshooter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 12:36:28 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

would appreciate any help for a reference to a maintenance engineer/ programmer to help us revive KME CM 82-C LE, May 1993. apparently the computer has lost the main program. We are located in Fremont, CA. Thanks in advance for any help. yeah, yeah,

Panasonic KME service Center in Mexico Country

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 13:41:30 EST 2004 | samaniegocesar

Hello Ta all!! I'm Cesar Samaniego From Mexicali Mexico. Some of you guys know some Panasonic KME service center in Mexico country?? Some times I have the necesity to take some programing training of KME equipment like SP10P-BD10-CM82C-CM92P, If yo

AXIS Password for KME CM82C-MD

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 21:22:39 EDT 2004 | Darby

Cesar, I am not familiar with these machines but I have found that servo controller problems do not usually cause mis-placement. They tend to just stop the machine with *axis system erors. As I understand it, after you have done a return to origin,


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