Electronics Forum: connector body become yellowish (Page 1 of 1)

Harwin SM connector problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 05:41:22 EDT 2005 | K

Hi guys, Have any of you encountered harwin connector M80-647 in the past? Have you noticed any problems with the reliability of the component, solderability and 'reworkability' (thats a new word for sure)? Heres a PDF of the component; http://www.

SMT Component Design Requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 18 17:47:37 EDT 2002 | russ

What is the determination of poor soldering fails pull test, non-wetting, visual)? I have never heard of an SMT component that has leads higher than the body of the component. Refer to IPC 782 it provide the guidelines for SMT standoff heig


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