Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 01 23:42:35 EST 2009 | vinitverma
Hi Peter, Just send me the scanned copy of the board and I'll send you the complete data. Regards Vinit
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 23:33:53 EST 1998 | Ron Costa
| | Hello everyone! | | Does any know anything about bare board size variations? | | Is there a spec. or tolerance? | | I'm running small lots of boards and during the screen printing process | | I find that I cannot paste each board perfectly.I've t
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 10:30:46 EST 1998 | Ron Costa
| | | Hello everyone! | | | Does any know anything about bare board size variations? | | | Is there a spec. or tolerance? | | | I'm running small lots of boards and during the screen printing process | | | I find that I cannot paste each board perfec
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 09:57:35 EST 2007 | Joe
a customer of mine purchased one of these units. didn't come with manuals, called austin american they want 5k to register so they can buy manuals. does anyone have a copy that my customer could either pay them to scan or copy. Much thanks!
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 19:43:09 EST 2007 | davef
"Effects of surface finish on high frequency signal loss using various substrate materials" - Call Don Cullen at Mac Dermid or Larry Gatewood at Rockwell Collins for a copy.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 02:22:51 EST 2008 | ilona
David, why not contact the current suppliers of selective soldering systems for a copy of their layout specs? Surely we all would be interested to provide potential customers with the info they need to evaluate a process applicabilty or to design bo
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 17:34:27 EST 2007 | Mike Konrad
You may want to contact Bill Petlock at 1.877.PETLOCK http://www.petlock.com. He is a used equipment dealer and may be able to help you with a manual. Also, try contacting ECD (the original manufacture of said equipment). 503-659-6100 http://www
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 13:53:46 EDT 2013 | leemeyer
I copied a program to a floppy and compared that to the files that were in my AP board directory and they are identical. In your board list directory (on your AP machine) look at picks.asc and places.asc and see if there is any good looking data the
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 00:13:45 EST 2021 | sync40
Hello, Do anybody know of some source to buy a copy (printed or electronic) of Printed Circuits Boards, Design and Technology, by Walter C. Bosshart? I know that some pages are scanned through Google Books, but I need the complete text. There are
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 04 20:28:17 EST 2009 | kircchoffs
you can copy board at the panelize option and put the value of width of the first board at y of the second board. use panel fiducial at the mark coordinates