Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:43:16 EDT 2015 | loganting
how helpful is it to use alignment weighting over fiducial offsets ?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:11:23 EDT 2015 | loganting
2 fiducial alignment vs 3 fiducial alignment , any opinion ? When do we actually need the third fiducial for alignment ?
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 06:50:04 EDT 2015 | buckcho
Hello, can you explain better what do you want to check? Alignment is done based on fiducial check and then you can do some offsets, based on the print. So I am not sure what do you want to say...
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 14:19:14 EDT 2015 | dekhead
Offsets are there to for an alignment change over the entire board... alignment weighting is, essentially to account for imperfect match between stencil and board, and will allow you to concentrate best alignment to a given portion of the board (give
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 22:48:17 EDT 2020 | dekhead
MM (MultiMove) cards are in the M19, Motor Control, crate (located front of machine, right side). MM's are the larger cards located on the far right side; X11, X12 and X13 slots (X11 slot is only used in Infinity, empty slot on Horizon / ELA).
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 16:27:40 EDT 2020 | michelcf
Good Day Sir. Where is the MMX?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 09:43:19 EDT 2019 | dekhead
Pneumatic power down error does go back to MMX12. MM's info is communicated to NM (in PC enclosure) via 100 way cable. Depending on software version, the "Pneumatic Power Down" error may be the default (initial) error generated with bad connection /
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 08:12:19 EDT 2019 | carehawk
We had an issue where a vision cable got cut and a few wires were exposed and possibly shorted. We fixed the cable and since then have had numerous errors with the last one being pneumatic power down. We have air to the machine and have checked the p
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 22:51:05 EST 2021 | rob1
We have a DEK 265 Horizon and it exhibits a problem with conveyor belts. When I power up the DEK and try to paste boards, it fails to initialize the conveyor. I have to go into Maintenance and select cycle boards on rails. This too fails, but when I
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:39:29 EDT 2008 | realchunks
Is the green box on top of the transformer? If so you can by-pass it.