Electronics Forum: dek248 cerd (Page 1 of 1)

Dek 248.cerd

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 08 17:47:33 EDT 2016 | goldentech

Dek 248.cerd tooling table stuck in the up position,any one can help. Thanks, Tom

Dek 248.cerd

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 10:57:18 EDT 2016 | dekhead

Could certainly be sensors; does table (attempt to?) move out upon machine initialization? Or could be bridge driver (on board) or motor. JOHN www.dekhead.com

Dek 248.cerd

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 13:35:30 EDT 2016 | mnorthey

When I had this problem on the DEK 248, the problem was the table up/down sensors on the motor. You can see if there is a problem in the maintenance mode in the inputs screen. They can be adjusted by loosening off the screws and moving the sensor un


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