Electronics Forum: dpak window (Page 1 of 1)

SMT Stencil Aperatures

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 15:18:04 EDT 2005 | mmjm_1099

Hello, I was wondering about specs on SMT stencil ordering. I am looking to make some sort of template for aperature layout of some parts. I was wondering some issues that you have all came across or made to change to better suit your boards. For ins

Vacuum Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 17:33:20 EDT 2018 | dleeper

Solder paste selection can have a huge impact on size and quantity of voids. Talk to a few suppliers and ask for their recommendation on low voiding formulas. Pick a few of your top candidates and then perform a DOE to see who has the best result. S

Mirtec MV-2HTL programming: Easily fails parts a bit rotated?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 07 18:12:56 EST 2011 | eadthem

I do not know what software version you have, but on older versions it is best to have a mounting inspector set to be the primary and then mask out all labels and solder so it just locates the part. Then add another mounting inspector for looking at


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