Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 07:21:32 EST 2019 | dfl
One of my 8mm feeders is blinking the red led after the pick-up. With both buttons the motor works as expected (forward/backward), but after the nozzle pick-up the motor moves forward and then the red led blinks. pressing the buttons the green led l
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 19:31:54 EST 2005 | eeltec
>I/OPERATION ==> >1/RUNNING ==> but any command that I try gives an E100 error and in the left side of the monitor a square with: Conditions Initialized Waiting Emg stop (in red) org incmp (in red) Interlock (in red) data comp Use Vac
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 05:07:53 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222
I received an error on my fuji ip3 which is: "Placing head 1 nozzle has become detached." Does anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 21:38:22 EST 2021 | erici
Thanks victor, will go with your suggestions. By the way, would you happen to have some info on how to work the MC distributor? When i was working on the hard drive of the machine i was able to re install the MC software on a fresh harddrive, as i u
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 21:57:09 EST 2021 | compit
make an IP address reservation for the MAC address of the machine on the DHCP server
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 07:01:02 EST 2013 | ericrr
I can not believe this, We get back from Summer holidays turn on the first machine Juki KE750L goes to do a home and before the head moves, Error notice: rear feeder rise error, I go around the back, nothing out of place. but notice the receiver end
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 03 08:46:34 EST 2019 | dfl
SOLVED The LED/phototransistor was a little of the center on the "index wheel" (don't know a better name, its the gear that pulls the component strip). The wheel works with a LED from one side and a phototransistor from the other, through a hole on
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 17:06:56 EDT 2009 | andoe
when i transmitt data to the cp6 every thing seems to go okay until the end and i get a -- "A21E transmission error". i have checked the cable (i can program my IP3) any ideas? thanks ron
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 12:46:43 EDT 2011 | jdengler
In the center of the head shaft there is a rod that is used to flag 2 sensors at the top of the shaft. This lets the machine know when a nozzle is attached. Check that the sensors are working correctly and the rod moves freely. The sensors are fib
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 03 07:39:27 EST 2019 | dfl
POCKET POSITION PROGRAMMING This procedure ensures the components are properly centered at the tape feeder pickup point (over spring stabilizer). NOTE: The feeder can be reset at any time by removing it from the feeder base and reinserting it. This