Electronics Forum: fatal error with vp (Page 1 of 1)

DEK 265GS - Vision hardware error

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 12:27:19 EDT 2019 | weglimir

Hello I have problem with card: VPM-5238D - Namely when printer starts, and DEK program initializes, it hangs for a while on "Downloading vision system" and then following error appears: "Vision Hardware Error - FATAL ERROR - REINITALIZE MACHINE" "

Fuji IP3 Problem

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 20 02:31:18 EDT 2006 | daxman

Last week, when we turned on our IP3, we received an error on our IP3, which read "Fatal Error with VP Turn Power Off" We had been running product the day before, and the day after we received this error. The function keys are locked and will not w


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