Electronics Forum: final test after (Page 1 of 132)

Silica gel in final packing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:06:12 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini

My customer just assembles it to the car. We want to use the silica gel to avoid moisture since the assembled part (clock) reach him via ship after 50 days. The electronic circuit board has no conformal coatings at present. We are working on that. Ou

Silica gel in final packing

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 28 22:52:34 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini

We have an Electromechanical assembly (clock) that has a step motor on the board. This electromechanical assembly is assembled in a screw less plastic moulded casing. The plastic casing is neither air tight nor water proof. The board is with SMOBC+ H

Contamination test

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:03:44 EDT 2001 | davef

You should specify the level of res based on the effect of the res on the end-use of the product. J-STD-001 defines cleanliness requirements for ALL flux types, including water soluble and no-clean that you mention. 1 There is no equivalency betwee

PCB Test Board-stress test

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 21 08:00:50 EDT 2004 | davef

First, we know of no conformal coating that will help your situation. Second, as you say, companies recognize that stress testing of shippable products is NOT good practice, because it strips life from the product. So, your product is more expensiv

via as test point

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 20:02:42 EST 2001 | davef

First, I don�t understand why your board fabricator can�t do a good job plugging your vias. Additionally, when you consider that they forgot to plug the first batch of boards, it makes me wonder if they are desirable as a supplier. Generally, we us

cold solder after drop test

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 19:53:32 EST 2004 | jj

Hi, Any idea what's the possible causes of cold solder after drop test? Thanks JJ

cold solder after drop test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 07:16:25 EST 2004 | davef

Cold solder prior to properly performing a well designed drop test. Actually, "cold solder" means different things to different people. Two dull solder connection conditions are: * "Disturbed" solder joint: a solder joint that has an "angular face

SOD323 and SC90 bounceing parts in final PNP stages.

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 01:56:37 EST 2012 | eadthem

What we have had recently is a lot of larger thin (32 thou) thickness boards that have had issues with SC90 diodes bouncing off the pads in the final PNP machine. Our setup, universal instruments GC120 or quad beam 30 spindle lightning heads. This m

Cleanliness test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 02 12:15:10 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Richard, With respect to the Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) test, the test solution is exceptionally aggressive. With the Zero-Ion for example, the test solution�s resistivity is 150 M-Ohms. Additionally, because test solution is made up of

Cleanliness test

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 12:12:22 EST 2003 | richard

Good day and thanks for your comments Mike, What did I understood from your notes� 1) ROSE test (�extracting solution�) is probably good enough (with good equipment) to penetrate the space under my micro BGA. 2) I should test 2 parallel batches of

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