Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 08:48:11 EDT 2018 | kathylci
Looking for someone to assist with programming and tech support for SPEA Flying probe system. If you can or know someone who may be able to help please let us know. kfisher@lewis-clark.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 07:56:08 EST 2019 | flyingprobe
what brand ur using?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 08:31:43 EST 2019 | dontfeedphils
I'm guessing SPEA.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 16:46:36 EST 2019 | slthomas
What ever could have given you that idea??
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 09:21:03 EST 2019 | kathylci
Yes, SPEA is what we need now. But also interested in Takaya tech support and other test fixtures.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 16:30:48 EDT 2016 | proy
We have been studying and learing how to work with an older Seica Pilot (S20 software) flying probe tester. A third party company has been very helpful but they are not that familiar with the S20 software. Looking for someone with knowledge of the S2
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 23 00:22:58 EST 2013 | basheermd
One of our production plant is currently using your SEica Flying Probe Tester whose model and serial no. is furnished below. Model S22 MT Serial No. 200594. Now, they want to use it for both bare pcb and assemled pcb testing. Please furnish th
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 25 02:17:01 EST 2013 | alexeis
Hi, Flying Probe uses only for symptom detection. Do you have software tools for repair station that can helps to your engineering to detect cause? If you need a software tools, feel free to contact me by email: alexeis@proventustech.com. Best Reg
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 23 07:33:04 EST 2013 | aflex
It totally depends upon the configuration of both bare PCBs and assemble PCBs.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 12:22:12 EST 2000 | casi
I'm interested in probes for wafer testing made in verted. I need to tested wafers with pad with flat gold bumps ( 17um ) with pitch = 70um. I'm also interested in every web site related on gold bumps testing. Thanks a lot !!! Casi