Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 03:50:34 EST 1999 | Steve
Hi Brent, Fuji has a solution to solve your problem. The solution Fuji has is called "Independent Function" and this function keeps working rest of module even though one module stops due to parts run out. But this function requires hardware modifica
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 03:51:04 EST 1999 | Steve
Hi Brent, Fuji has a solution to solve your problem. The solution Fuji has is called "Independent Function" and this function keeps working rest of module even though one module stops due to parts run out. But this function requires hardware modifica
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 19 20:20:50 EDT 2005 | fastek
I might be over simplifying this but what I understand is the AIM is a more economical version of the NXT and that AIM will replace the XP platform.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 17:40:41 EDT 2006 | fujismt@btconnect.com
Fuji AIM users. If you wish to splice 8mm component tape reels using this machine, visit http://www.fujismt.com and look at Fuji Chemical FC8A Joint Tapes. Ideally suited and in use on the Fuji AIM machine, FC8A is easy to use and available for next
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 00:50:10 EDT 2005 | FAC
The AIM was actually designed to use some of the same hardware that the NXT machines use (placement heads, feeders). Main use for this machine is HighMix/LowVolume, NPI, prototyping. It will be at the ATE show in Sept. BTW - It is not going to replac
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 14:51:18 EDT 2005 | CMiller
Does any one out there have one of these machines? How are they?
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 04 14:16:32 EST 2012 | eniac
AIM can give a good result, I tried the solder paste from many manufacturer - AIM, Kester, Indium, Koki, Alpha Metals, Heraeus - but I stopped my choice at Kester. For example, right now I have EM907 with date of manufacture in february 2010 (it's ju
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 18:07:56 EDT 2005 | Grant
Hi, I saw these machines and asked our Fuji rep about it. He said it was for flexible low volume manufacturing. Regards, Grant
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 04:50:52 EDT 2005 | CMiller
If I am reading the spec right it puts down 32,000 parts per hour. Looks pretty slick, not much info on the website though and could only get a 1 page spec sheet from Fuji.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 23:30:19 EST 2006 | smtuser1234
Call Fuji HA HA