Electronics Forum: fuji flexa not communicating (Page 1 of 4)

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 11:02:15 EDT 2019 | dman97

You never answered my question on the proper data. Do you have a hard copy of the proper data? Is the diskette (if you have it) in Fuji Flexa format? In order for flexa to communicate with the CP6, you must have the correct proper data.

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 06:10:36 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Thanks ! I totally forgot that MTU had its own prop file, uploaded it from Flexa and now works fine.

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 19:12:41 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Hello all ! FUJI IP3 starts up, makes zero setting OK But if I start AUTO mode, it gives error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 11082010 UsedBy MTU3,MTU4,MTU5 Display Usable Proper Data has

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 21:10:29 EDT 2023 | meher

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the proper data is stored and transmitted to the MTU. Double-check the communication settings between the machine and the MTU during the startup process. Make sure that all the necessary data is being se


Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 00:32:12 EDT 2015 | mdang

I am setting Fuji Flexa to communicate with CP8 machine. When I create a new machine, I has to fill out the following value Machine Communication Server: ? Get Production Data : (yes/no) GEM Host Name: ? Disable GEM : (Yes/no) TCP/IP Port #: ? I c

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 11:11:38 EDT 2019 | dman97

Have you imported the proper data into flexa yet?


Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 10:24:35 EDT 2015 | assuredtech

I am setting Fuji Flexa to communicate with CP8 > machine. When I create a new machine, I has to > fill out the following value Machine > Communication Server: ? Get Production Data : > (yes/no) GEM Host Name: ? Disable GEM : > (Yes/no) TCP/IP

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 10:37:36 EDT 2019 | dman97

I also forgot to add that if the proper data was not generated by flexa for the CP6, then flexa will not communicate with the machine. You need to flush the proper and resend using flexa for the communications to work correcty. Good luck!

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 09:48:56 EDT 2019 | andrewpayonk

I remember seeing a diagram, it actually only uses like 3 wires

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 13:17:01 EDT 2019 | dman97

See attached PDF of all wiring options.

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