Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 07:49:19 EDT 2008 | grantp
Hi, I just saw the new NXT machines at globaltronics in Singapore, and mostly they are faster. However what was interesting is Fuji shows a prototype of the new XPF machine, but it was called XPF-W which handles really large PCB's and uses the sam
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:39:15 EST 2005 | rlackey
I know that you were very specific in your email about your choices, but have you not thought of adding a faster Mydata? You would negate the learning curve on operations & maintenance, have spare feeders, & be able to transfer programs over. Regard
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 07 13:48:21 EDT 2022 | omar08
Hi guys, I have NXT3 Fuji machine with Head H24. I need to do IPS adjustment brightness , so please explain to me what is IPS ,What is the value GR,GL,GT, how to do IPS adjustement1 and adjustement2. Thank you for all.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 08:56:13 EST 2011 | zavalko
Hi! Our company is Fuji's distributor in Russia. AIMEX couldn't be much faster than NXT2. There are four heads limit in the AIMEX while NXT can have dozens of modules & heads in single machine. It's hard to get a field data on AIMEX. Machine was re
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 09 11:06:35 EDT 2022 | omar08
Hello , have you tried with another head .
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 09 13:16:13 EDT 2022 | acouto
yes, they have already been tested with different heads and the error persists.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 19:29:32 EDT 2022 | omar08
Hi Sophy , yes I have auto head cleaner in my company
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 06:48:36 EDT 2022 | sophyluo1985
Omar, do you also use this device for automatic cleaning?
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 21:52:05 EDT 2022 | omar08
acouto give me your e-mail for helping
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 21:53:11 EDT 2022 | acouto
Omar my email is alexcouto204@gmail.com. Thanks