Electronics Forum: gold flow gf-12 (Page 1 of 7)

Solder flow Ni/Au

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 11 19:48:17 EDT 2007 | abjason

There is nothing to argue if you had found Ni above or togather with Gold, definitly you got poor wetness and awful solderbility for sure.

gold connectors

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 08:51:45 EDT 2002 | davef

I assume the connector is like one used in PC104 that allows mating of boards together by inserting the pins extending from the connector on one board into the female portion of the connector on a second board. Who ever accepted this job is dopey.

Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 02:42:34 EDT 2006 | Francis

Short term, taped the gold finger. long term, study the air flow of the reflow section of the oven. It is always being overlook at this part and lookout for the printer. The air flow must be laminar and properly flowed back.

solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 09:53:57 EDT 2001 | edylc

Hi Thrasher7, We called it wash boards, any misprint from screen printer was at tight control ..and those wash boards when being flow down to the line have an identifier /marker , is a matter on isolation of the problem..... But I still can't think

Soldering to hard gold

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 12:20:09 EDT 2013 | davef

Gold in solder alloys can be brittle. We always used to talk about keeping gold LT 3% in order to avoid embrittlement. Some military contracts require removal of gold from soldered contacts. Adding gold to a solder alloy that you're familiar with wi

Gold Flow Oven GF-12 Tuning Instructions Needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 10:33:38 EST 2015 | jackm

I have a Gold-Flow GF-12 reflow oven. When entering "Work" mode, I get a screen that says that the oven needs to be tuned first. I am able to start the autotuning process (found the password on SMTnet), but the unit just seems to run forever in that

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 12:59:26 EDT 2006 | mattkehoe@sipad.com

We are trying to apply solder to boards with 80 microinches of electro plated hard gold. No components involved, just print 63/37 paste and reflow. The results are very poor on some boards, not so bad on others? Pictures at http://www.sipad.net/thick

Poor reflow over gold plating

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 06:57:20 EDT 2005 | mattkehoe

Hi Bob, We tried flowing the pads with a soldering iron. The pad at the tip of the iron went shiny but as soon as the iron was taken away, the pad returned to the dull finish. You could actually move the tip around the pad and it would shine up then

Why gold plating on PCB?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 00:23:53 EDT 2020 | researchmfg

1. To protect the nickel and copper under gold plating from oxidization before soldering. Gold plating can extend the PCB self-life and improve the solderability for 2nd re-flow. 2. Provide a good bonding strength. For Chip on Board process that Gol

Re: non-wetting on gold land pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 09:36:42 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Chris: Thanks. SMTnet has a "Library." Buried deep within it is a listing of terms. The following is from that listing: Shadowing. When a component blocks the heat or solder wave flow from certain areas of the printed circuit board, resulting in

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