Electronics Forum: hearing aid (Page 1 of 2)

Tombstones? Pb vs Pb Free

Electronics Forum | Wed May 10 00:27:46 EDT 2006 | Chris

Russ, By a longer profile you mean a more even slope across the entire profile. Unfortunately I only have a 5 zone oven that is fairly short. How many heated zones are you using? Did you shrink the 0402 pad design and leave less pad exposed out a

Interference to lights from Heller 1707 XL oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 20:58:17 EDT 2020 | stephendo

Just curious if anyone has ever used an EMF meter? I have used a static field meter but that is quite different. I have had hearing aids that had a switch that switched from an audio mike to a telecoil that would pick up the EMF from the phone speake

Circuit Cam inputs

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 14 11:57:59 EDT 2004 | azdback

We are in the process of evaluating the Circuit Cam software for the creation of pick and place programs and Visual aids for QC. So I would like to hear from actual users that can give me some feedback on the pros and cons of this product. Thanks in

Electrovert OmniFlo Ovens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 18:41:43 EST 2005 | Chunks

Sorry Pete (and others), they do have em'. Back side of the oven. Open the doors with the power supply switch and it's right next to the power relay. Little digital ones on the Omni Flo series. Nope, our company is selling the ovens and several i

Re: Aperture Reduction for QFP (fine pitch)

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 17:24:58 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | | My stencil thickness is 6 mil and we got qfp's with fine pitch. | | | | how many percent should i reduce my stencil aperture using a 6 mil stencil for 0.5 mm pitch and 0.4 mm pitch ? | | | | | | | | thanks | | | | | | | We use 6 mil lasercu

It does say Electronics Forum

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 21:10:32 EDT 2017 | silversurfer11

Thank you for your reply. I will attach another photo to explain. I don't really understand what they do other than they are part of the Voltage Regulator Module. What I also read on other forums was that they are potted or encapsulated and they sh

A.O.I - no salesman pitch pls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 01:09:37 EDT 2003 | iman

Hi! Thanks to you as the first replier! I do admit it "narrows" the information channels feedback flow by keeping this thread reply limited to "non-commercial" engineering folks, but I already have lotsa war stories from the salesmen around this reg


Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 14:10:33 EST 2012 | juggalo

I agree, 100%. My tattoos are on my arms and legs and are visible if I do not wear long sleeves or pants, so I understand people look at me in a different way. I also agree that I may be part of the problem with how I handle myself, but the only thin

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 15:27:36 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| | | I'm reviewing my board fab spec. It calls for a minimum SnPb thickness of 50 microinches on HASL PWB's. I've looked at other specs that call out anything from 30 to 80 microinches, and others that just say the copper pad must be covered and s

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 20:18:09 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | | | I'm reviewing my board fab spec. It calls for a minimum SnPb thickness of 50 microinches on HASL PWB's. I've looked at other specs that call out anything from 30 to 80 microinches, and others that just say the copper pad must be covered and

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