Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 09:15:57 EDT 2018 | bukas
problem was solved by cleaning lid bolt connector on chassis... both lid bolt and chase clamps are controlled by SCB34 card, it seams that there is an issue with poor connection on lid bolt triggering this bug. I assume its bug because other card beh
Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 10:25:02 EDT 2007 | cokedigits
i mean Bolts in the eletrectical meaning. you know B=current plus resistor. That rohas soulder seem to stick to the pdb-board though
Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 15:32:48 EDT 2008 | realchunks
IF and only IF you are on a solid flooring. We have ESD carpet. If you were to apply RTV to the carpet, you'd be walked out and thrown on your skinny a$$. Also, extruded aluminium conveyors will bow before skidding, thus causing alignment problems
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 09:32:32 EDT 2008 | realchunks
Well, when facts and data become "complaining' and "scare-tactics", it's pointless to carry on a conversation. You might as well twist tin whiskers so that it becomes a GOOD thing. "Just say YES and we'll move on!" http://www.funnyordie.com/vide
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 11:09:55 EST 2006 | gcolbert
Basically I'm looking for nuts, bolts, and washers Thanks for the information. That will be very helpful. I did notice that the hardware companies are not as concerned with ROHS.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 10:25:12 EDT 2007 | realchunks
Hey Coky D, When you say "bolts", do you mean "volts"? I took it as a spelling error.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 13:09:42 EDT 2009 | rmitchell
Thanks to those that responded. I eliminated the light curtain problem. The metal plate the light curtain pcb bolts to was bent. I had it aligned in our machine shop and it worked properly. I forgot to mention the error was pooping up with no fee
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 10:21:14 EDT 2015 | beta
Hi all, Is there much in the way of difference between a Fuji CP6 machine with the CE mark and a machine without the CE Mark? I know why the CE Mark is required within the EU but I am talking nuts & bolts here - is the machine any different? or is
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 10:37:10 EST 2018 | dontfeedphils
I believe there are three small allen head bolts that hold the camera card to the gantry. Loosen them a bit and ever so slightly move the card up or down depending on the angle.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 11:40:50 EST 2003 | fastek
Just make sure you secure them in place once you get them where you want. Brackets fastened by bolts into the floor are the best. I know it may sound trivial, but many companies I visit simply ignore this step and they fight with their conveyors cons