Electronics Forum: ideas (Page 1 of 289)

Any ideas what this is?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 19:25:47 EDT 2023 | proceng1

Is it an arbor press?

Any ideas what this is?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 19:42:35 EDT 2023 | cbeneat

Looks like a press for IDC connectors.

Any ideas what this is?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 19:54:46 EDT 2023 | onegrimeyczar

Thank you all for the quick responses!

Any ideas what this is?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 19:31:07 EDT 2023 | tey422

It does looks like a arbor press. It's a customized one to be exact, pins there to fits the fixture.

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 06:42:19 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

We converted ours from touch screen to a monitor with a mouse.

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 00:14:34 EDT 2008 | vms

We have been succesful in repairing some of them. If you would want to send it to us we would try to fix it. Would charge you if we was able to repair it. Harry 740-403-9406

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 08:36:21 EDT 2008 | steveliu

How did you convert the touch screen to the monitor and mouse combination? We had the same problem two years ago and tried to do the conversion, but ended up with a new DC/DC power supply card.

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 09:21:29 EDT 2008 | proy

What did the DC to DC power supply card have to do with it, and where was it in the system? Pete

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 17:20:39 EDT 2008 | steveliu

The screen we had is a Planar EL7768MS. There is a small DC/DC power supply board attahced to the back of the touch screen. That PS board was toasted and caused the failure of the screen. Steve

MPM SPM touch screen replacement ideas

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 17:28:10 EDT 2008 | proy

We have an SPM which has a faulty touch screen (worn out?? who knows). ELOtouch does not have a replacment for this old screen. Has anyone here had any luck replacing it with something else, OR replacing the computer with another, upgrading the soft

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