Electronics Forum: merge bom xy data (Page 1 of 5)

freeware to merge BOM and XY files

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 06 19:22:50 EST 2019 | giangle711

Need help to locate freeware to be able to merge BOM and XY files in CSV/TXT.

freeware to merge BOM and XY files

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 09 17:15:28 EST 2019 | giangle711

Thanks much Spoiltforchoice. I found it.

freeware to merge BOM and XY files

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 07 04:11:09 EST 2019 | spoiltforchoice

You're looking for SMT-Maestro you should find a shared link on this forum. The original source for this program is long gone.

Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 19:10:28 EST 2019 | bruce_mackean


Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 10:25:54 EDT 2019 | mikekeens

The merge software looks good but still not always getting the results i want - The following website can carry out a BOM to centroid xy placement data merge - http://www.surfacemountprocess.com/centroid-file-generation-service.html

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 05:26:56 EDT 2011 | vinitverma

Hello, We offer a product called - PROCAM for this very application. PROCAM uses Gerber (274X) as input and extracts the centroid data for each component automatically. It exports the centroid to standard excel format (including board outline, circu

Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 19:08:54 EST 2019 | bruce_mackean

Thanks for the info. I was having trouble finding SMTMaestro until Phil posted a link. I guess it is a little dated. Here is a quick demo of SMTMerge. https://youtu.be/nHe3-8kVHk4 Cheers, Bruce

Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 19:05:18 EST 2019 | bruce_mackean

Thanks for the link Phil. I am trying it out. Here is a quick demo of SMTMerge. https://youtu.be/nHe3-8kVHk4 Cheers, Bruce

Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 05:53:16 EST 2019 | alexeis

Hi Bruce, We have developed some solutions exactly you need (such as QPlace and QPlan). You can read about our solution on our website: http://www.proventustech.com. If you want more information, you can send me an email: alexeis@proventustech.com.

Merging BoM and XY Data

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 07:38:03 EST 2019 | dontfeedphils

SMT Maestro is the easiest to use by far, unfortunately it seems to have been wiped from the web. Here's a link that should work though... https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ztj-AUou6oiZiIRkJinBWuaVorWYvP2_

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