Electronics Forum: mirtec and false (Page 1 of 10)

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 20:01:30 EDT 2012 | eadthem

some things to consider, Is there flux on the board. are there finger prints on the tops of parts. Is the board warped at the V score from reflow Is the board shifting in the machine during inspection. These are the issues we have had with our mir

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 09:57:18 EDT 2012 | vparis

Our company is having issues with our YesTech F1 AOI machine the programs are currently not utilizing this machine correctly. we are have a false call rates of about 5% to as high as 12% of the total number of inspection points. I have started to rep

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 13:33:12 EDT 2012 | rway

We currently have 2 M1 systems. Our false call rate has never been has high as you suggest. There is something wrong with your program and/or inspection algorithms, as you probably already know. You should be somewhere between 1000-1500 vcpmo (fal

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 08:17:29 EDT 2012 | vparis

Reese, Thank you so much for your reply.

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 14:54:39 EDT 2012 | vparis

Reese, Thanks for your speedy reply. Vic

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 11:28:50 EDT 2012 | vparis

Hey Reese what is your Mis rate? Do you have any boards that are passed that have actual defects?

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 13:24:04 EDT 2012 | rway

That's hard to quantify. I deal with escapes when they occur, but I haven't kept track of that data. It doesn't happen to often. But when it does, I take it back to the AOI to analyze why it escaped, and change the algorithm to catch it, if I can.

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 14:11:27 EDT 2012 | rway

Programming is different, yes, but so is the terminology. ///with machine vision you have parameters that select what is good and what is bad, and you have parameters that help make bad look worse and good look better making the difference between w

Pre- and post-reflow rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 19:07:16 EST 2005 | primus

We are also looking for AOI machines, pre- and post-reflow. We already tried one machine from the UK (I don't remember the name, I perfer to forget we ever had it) and they told is it would do everything we wanted. Maybe so, but not well enough. It s

BGA and PCB finishing

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 05:02:35 EST 2000 | emmanuel

I am to implement PBGA, and i am looking for PCB surface finish informations. A lot of technical reports are specifing NiAu finishing because of flatness property. Because of leads shape, I though that BGA doesn't need flat pads like QFP. Is it false

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