Electronics Forum: mpm touchscreen (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 09:53:00 EDT 2012 | rleung

Hello, I had a touchscreen failure on my MPM SPM printer. I have seen another thread in regards to changing it from touchscreen to monitor and peripheral (mouse/trackball/touchpad). I am interested in doing the change to mouse/trackball and have l

MPM SPM Trackball Upgrade

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 09:46:48 EST 2016 | westshoredesign

So recently I attempted to do the trackball upgrade for our MPM SPM printer, the touchscreen was unable to calibrate correctly. Unfortunately upon reboot after installing the software the PC wont boot into MS-DOS. It's still functional, as I can brow

MPM SPM Trackball Upgrade

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 23 15:35:19 EST 2016 | aemery

Westshored; Not sure how helpful I can be as there are details missing from your description. So I will try and give you some requirements that may help us sort this out. The Speedline UPGR was UPGR-026 and 027, depending on the machine type. The


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