Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 18:07:18 EST 1998 | Scott McKee
| I am beginer in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of pick and place option. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you need only Mechanical centering of PBGAs. The I
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 08 00:28:25 EST 2014 | padawanlinuxero
Hello We a Mydata and put all kinda of components with the midas unit, but never had problems with ESD, and some of them are very delicate parts, perhaps like our colleague said perhaps you should look at the trays or feeders that you are using, pe
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 14:42:49 EST 2014 | rdubya
Centering motor about to fail or has failed.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 00:43:06 EST 2014 | brendansales
Centering motor about to fail or has failed. > Centering motor about to fail or has failed. Hey Rdubya, Thanks for your help! Apparently that was not the problem. The Midas head had to be all the way down below the lower locking solenoid. After
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 20 13:56:18 EST 2014 | rgduval
Brendan, Unfortunately, I no longer have MYData equipment in my shop (I moved to a new company), so, I can't help with finding part numbers. I do know that you can buy the motor/counter units separately on the open market..and, I think you can buy
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:27:07 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf
First of all, whom are you getting it from ? Mydata, or a used equipment broker. If you can tell me what machine type you are looking at, then I can tell you what to look for. (MY-series, or TP series) Most important things right off the bat: *Machi
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 12:46:23 EDT 2020 | unisoft
Unisoft has been import gerber only for years to setup assembly, aoi machines, etc. *** Help for Importing GERBER only files for used in programming Assembly, AOI, Test, Selective Soldering machines (X/Y Center, Rot, Part#). Also allows you to cre
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 18:37:15 EDT 2020 | unisoft
The point here is if you can't get the full CAD files or the XY rotation files and all you get his Gerbers and a BOM. Most all contract manufacturers and some OEM's at some time or another have to deal with Gerber only files. If you find yourself i
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 08:16:13 EST 2014 | cyber_wolf
We have placed billions of components with our Mydata's. No issues with ESD.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 18:14:17 EST 2014 | cot628
That is a lot of Mydata lines to place billions of parts.