Electronics Forum: mydata pick up test (Page 1 of 30)

mydata electrical test results

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 22:30:05 EDT 2021 | vtdivtecs

So I am having a little trouble with my mydata MY19. its an older machine picked up used and its had its quirks. recently we tried to start adding electrical verification to our workflow, and had to disable it as we were getting intermittent bad pa

Component pick up test

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 03 13:37:40 EDT 2016 | chabscan

I've been having some problems with my Quad 4C, it rejects some components after having pikced them up. I want to adjust the tolerances and test the pick up. I want to know if there is some way of testing the pick up without having to run my whole

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 04:59:02 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, MYDATA's are ok for lower volume, and they are very flexible. If you only have 1 or 2 trays of components and are on a tight budget, then you can even place the trays on the Y wagon behind the PCB so you can get away without the tray wagon. Al

Placing domed parts with mydata

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 12:39:16 EST 2009 | markhoch

Not sure what your job quantity is, or how many total parts you have to place, but we've had similar issues in the past trying to place domed LEDs. We had better luck cutting the tape into 25 or 50 piece strips and using double-sided tape to put the

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 19:13:33 EDT 2016 | darby

Thanks Sr. If you have zero tolerance for simul pick up in your component files then you will not have simul pick up due to variances in your head offsets. So you are saying that on your Juki you run a tolerance for 0201? All other head positions at

0402 pick problems

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 08:40:18 EDT 2001 | toolman

hi kris well 0.02 cents south african money is a lot less. but anyway we have a customer with 3 lines all lines are the same equipment and we have had major problems with 0402s .on some manf reels .as a test we moved one reel around and the problem m

mydata disable a bad Hydra setup to continue running

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 12:28:11 EST 2021 | vtdivtecs

hey all, I had a comically bad failure yesterday while working with my pick and place, a part got dropped at exactly the wrong moment and flung a bracket up into the tool path, severely damaging the hydra controlboard that is next to the x camera. T

problems picking up PANASONIC ERJ-12ZYJ203U resister.

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 09:54:25 EST 2017 | rgduval

Are you having any issues with other ERJ series resistors from Panasonic? Any other 2010 resistors? There is, very likely, something specific to this part/package/packaging that is causing your problems. Things to check: -Identify where the issue

Mydata - Level too high in pick

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 13:54:53 EDT 2012 | markhoch

It's been a while since my MYDATA days, but let's give this a shot. Did you try putting the tool away and picking it back up? Make sure your Midas Head is cleaned and the tool is lubricated properly, then do a Center Base Leveling Calibration. (I t

Mydata - Level too high in pick

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 12:09:25 EDT 2012 | mikesewell

Our MY12 is having trouble picking both out of feeders and the TEX using the MIDAS head. The nozzle (spring or rigid) will go down and touch the part but won't pick it up. I get a Level too high error - the pick location isn't obstructed, part isn't

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