Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 14:04:33 EDT 2015 | adventurelights
Hi guys, Recently got an error message when initiating hardware on a Mydata TP9-UFP. Message is: Theta/2: Lower end point not repeatable. Reinitiating fails at message. Haven't seen this message before. Any idea what it could be as production is hal
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 26 00:53:54 EDT 2015 | padawanlinuxero
Hi guys, > > Recently got an error message when > initiating hardware on a Mydata TP9-UFP. Message > is: Theta/2: Lower end point not repeatable. > Reinitiating fails at message. Haven't seen this > message before. Any idea what it could be as
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 10:33:55 EDT 2015 | island2013
We do support and service on Mydata TP and MY series machines. Give us a call at 813-880-8262
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 13:11:38 EDT 2015 | dyoungquist
We used to run a TP9-2 but upgraded to the MY series about 5 years ago..... Encoder going bad is a likely possibility, especially on a machine that old. I can't say for sure that is your problem but we did have to replace an encoder on our TP9 (I
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 04 16:54:52 EST 2011 | andersenequipment
I have a mydata tp-11, crap hard drive, When I look to replace the hard drive with another, the machine ask me for a password or passcode. Anyone help?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 02 15:36:23 EDT 2015 | adventurelights
What calibration needs to be done on the encoder for it to work?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 08:58:13 EDT 2015 | breatheeasy86
I too have the same issue and doubt. Regards, http://sssjobs.in
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 11:32:03 EDT 2015 | azdback
What is your error code?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 10:58:04 EDT 2015 | adventurelights
Thanks, have checked the vacuum tube and ribbon cables. They seem to look ok. Theta motor seems to be woking. I'm leaning towards the theta encoder going wanky. Is that possible?
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 15:06:19 EDT 2015 | alexvolovich
Check the vacuum tube on the Zfi head. Make sure the ty-rap isn't interfering. Then check the ribbon cables.