Electronics Forum: nozzle down sensor (Page 1 of 51)

Melfs drops down from nozzle

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 17:17:07 EDT 2023 | compit

1. What machine? 2. Check the ones that have fallen down for shape defects (badly adhere to the nozzle).

Melfs drops down from nozzle

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 08:22:56 EDT 2023 | richardcargill

A lot of MELF components have solder ends that stand slightly proud of the main body where your vacuum would lift them, so vacuum leaks are most likely the culprit. Upping the Vacuum to the nozzle may help, but better thing would be to modify the noz

Melfs drops down from nozzle

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 20:06:08 EDT 2023 | emeto

Not sure what equipment you have, but it sounds like some vacuum buildup issue. You might have some leak, or blockage or vacuum buildup components malfunction.

Melfs drops down from nozzle

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 11:45:06 EDT 2023 | inostranec

Приветствую. У нас была проблема с таким компонентом, он оказался с прямоугольной серединой, именно по середине сопло захватывает компонент. Нужно подробное фото компонента.

s-2000 nozzle pick error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:39:02 EDT 2012 | wendynguyen234

Our S-2000 pick & place machine has head 2 not picking up any nozzle & displays error code 8342(nozzle check error). In ANC setting, head 1 pick/put ok but not head 2; when "MANUAL" box is checked, clicking PICK/PUT then both head 1 & 2's status disp

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 08:53:53 EDT 2014 | fredcalkins

That would be easy to check. Degaus the whole nozzle not just the tip. It should take more than a week to become magnetized again. If it becomes magnetic sooner maybe degauss the head? I would also make sure your vacuum does not come on till the noz

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 16:41:57 EDT 2014 | isd_jwendell

With Essemtec software you can specify to turn on vacuum once the nozzle is down at the part. The default method is to turn on the vacuum while the nozzle is up, but starting to move down. For light/tiny parts this can have the effect of making them

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 23:06:28 EDT 2014 | demzvill

In our assumption also, nozzle is magnetized because the chip termination is made up of alloy so possibilty that when there is excessive contact between two metals there magnetic field produce, so during z up chip is magnetize on the nozzle causing i

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 12:53:56 EDT 2014 | demzvill

Yes it will electrically but on the appearance side it is no good. Does it have something to do with the feeder or the nozzle?

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 11:33:26 EDT 2014 | fredcalkins

I do not have machine experience, but I think vacuum too early would be a more likely cause of chips leaping to a nozzle. Juki nozzles are made of hardened stainless and could be slightly magnetic, but the end is relatively small and would not have t

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