Electronics Forum: nozzle recognition error yv100xg (Page 1 of 1)

Zevatech 740 RH Head - issues with rotation of component during laser recognition

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 18:15:28 EDT 2018 | maustin

The 740 has been a great machine for us. We've been able to reliably load components as small as 0603 (we've not tried 0402, but I believe with a special nozzle adaptor, you can get it to work) and place a 7x7 56 pin QFN with 0.4mm pin pitch with hi

Faducials on feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 10:27:33 EDT 2002 | stefwitt

Fiducial recognition on the Siemens machine works like the Mydata. Once you select this option, fiducials will be recognized when a new program is send. You can also select recognition as part of the feeder refill function mode. There is no automatic

Nozzle life?

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 17:30:19 EST 2005 | pmdeuel

I�m sure the 10MPF is not a correct nozzle to use. I don�t have manuals handy so I can�t answer as to the correct nozzle. We use a HSP 4792 to place all of our passive parts so I have never given this much thought. But the machine will not try to pla

smt scrap reduction

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 16:54:33 EDT 2005 | linny999

Siemens is an excellent platform. To reduce your scrap:- Carry out the specified maintenance, especially the segments and valve plungers; Calibrate revolver heads to benchmark. Remove the tables, smooth the magnetic strips, clean the mounting faces,

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 07:42:52 EDT 2008 | lloyd

Can you provide a bit more info on your machine setup. I not full fimilar with the S-27 so a few points may not be relevant to your machine. Are you using Siplace Pro. Are you using the standard GF for the 0201 component. Do you have the component


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