Electronics Forum: plates (Page 1 of 260)

Certified glass plates with components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 11:17:43 EST 2000 | Andy Yates

I wonder whether anyone can tell me where I might purchase a NIST certified glass plate with components placed upon it? Thanks, Andy

Modems reflow mistake

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 15:51:47 EDT 2015 | davef

IPC-A-610E-2010, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, 8.3.4 Castellated Terminations talks to the acceptability of solder connections on components like yours. It’s tough to say from the pictures, but I’d say your issues are: Missing solder: Plat

Re: Tooling Plate

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 17:13:00 EST 2000 | Scott K.

Try www.boardlok.com for molded support plates, or machined support plates for printers and placement machines.

Plating Thickness at Via Hole

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 03:21:56 EDT 2004 | ram

What will be the impact on the plating if the moisture outgas thru the PTH?Can the plate get damaged?

Alternatives to ReDrilling for Non-Plated Holes Slots

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 26 00:34:30 EST 1998 | Brian G.

Certain board designs require the unavoidable use of non-plated holes and slots. Presently, this requires a trip back to the drill house to open up the aforementioned holes, to remove the unwanted plating. In situations requiring non-plated holes and

Au Plating

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 03 06:40:54 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Fair greetings, just a thought on flash gold plating... stubborn brat am I?! thou shalt need to know whether the selective gold plating is for solderability enhancement purpose? or any other undisclosed purpose? at least thy hast not received any i

Gold and Palladium Plating

Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 05:12:51 EDT 2013 | ultimatejoker

What is the disadvantage of palladium plating instead of gold plating? I saw many advantage of palladium plating in term of hardness, wear resistance, and price but why most of the PCB Industries still use gold in PCB pad? Thank you

Connector leads plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 05:03:58 EST 2002 | praveen

We are having solder fillet finish issue. The solder looks like rough solder on the connector leads .The plating of the leads is Nickel (99.9% purity) and the PCB plating is imersion gold. I have tried fine tuning my reflow profiles an have used N2 i

Counterbore raw board

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 18 11:26:08 EDT 2006 | Board House

Hi Mark, Couterbore is possible in two way's during PCB Manufacturing. Couterbore plated and non-plated. Meaning that the entire hole will either have to be Plated or Non-Plated. Prefered Methode is Plated, to accomplish this your PCB house would

Plating Thickness at Via Hole

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 07:16:36 EDT 2004 | davef

When moisture outgasses through plating, it continues through the molten solder, causing a meak solder connection. There's another issue with thin plating that we haven't focused on in this thread. If plating is thin, the stress on the barrel of a

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