Electronics Forum: pnp (Page 1 of 27)

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 08:34:18 EST 2008 | mmjm_1099

Look into the used market for the XP module as well. It is not a bad machine at all.

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 10:33:22 EST 2008 | gemengr

Yes i'm 100% agree with SWAG .

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 15:06:43 EST 2008 | dyoungquist

MyData machines are probably your best choice for low volume/high mix applications. Change over times can be minimal when you are loading your extra magazines/feeders for the next job while the previous job is running on the machine. Component plac

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 08 13:55:20 EST 2008 | namruht

This is the same machine that we use. The thing that I like about it is the user friendly software. Operators do not have to be engineers to use this software. The "NPI" mode is a life saver for those first time jobs. I would highly recommend this ma

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 17:55:33 EST 2008 | gregp

The Contact C5 is designed for your needs. I can supply references if need be. Go to http://www.contactsystems.com for more details.

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 12:06:24 EST 2008 | scotceltic

If your CEO is stuck on Fuji, why not look at the NXT's instead of the CP's and QP's. More modular setup, interchangeable heads and small footprint per CPH.

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 11:10:47 EST 2008 | dphilbrick

Although Mydata is probably your best choice they are hard to come by used. If you have the budget for a CP7 you could easily get a refurb from MyData. What ever you do don't buy a Fuji for low volume! Although many might disagree with me a Siemens

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 15:24:24 EST 2008 | kpm135

Thank you very much for the input. The Siemens route is actually one we have looked into but I guess our CEO had a bad experience with some Siemens machines some years back and is now rather turned off towards them. I myself have looked at the new Un

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 05:18:08 EST 2008 | muarty

If there is a budget available, rather than looking at a Fuji CP7. Being issued with small strips of components would prove to be a nightmare with this style of placement machine. I would try to consider the Fuji AIM machine for use as the chipshoote

upgrading pnp

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 07:34:53 EST 2008 | cyber_wolf

Fuji's (CP's and QP's) are probably not the best fit for what you are talking about. However, it can be done.You will just need to become creative on how you are doing changeovers. You need to incorporate the "pit crew" mentality. Also, if you are lo

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