Electronics Forum: pre-cleaning boards (Page 1 of 1)

Water Soluble for No Clean BGA Balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 20:57:14 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad

Hey Dreamy, Dave is correct. If you attempt to clean your water soluble (OA) flux with water only, you will turn the no-clean flux white. No inspector or end-user will accept this. If a proper cleaning system is not available to you, then I would

White Hazing under the solder mask of a through hole board

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 12:48:31 EST 2003 | rholland

I have seen in the last couple of months more boards with a white hazing under the solder mask. I ran a few tests on a board to determine the cause of the white hazing underneath the solder mask. First I confirmed, or at least I think I confirmed, t

Re: How to convince management on buying Equipment ? ---For Dave F, Wolfgang, Moonman and the rests!!!

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 11:07:00 EDT 2000 | C.K.

"In Reality there's no additional cost or extra cost for the cleaning time since there is no increase on operator's wage in doing the cleaning but instead just an additional load or job for the operators at the same wage cost." I'd have to agree...


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