Electronics Forum: prime (Page 1 of 4)

Require Specification of Prime Virgin Mercury 99.999% Min purity

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 15:00:17 EDT 2016 | davef

Look here: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=Prime%20Virgin%20Mercury%2099.999%25%20Min%20purity&oq=Prime%20Virgin%20Mercury%2099.999%25%20Min%20purity&rlz=1C1LENP_enUS524US524&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61.1837j

Service & Support Best Practices?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 20 10:08:02 EDT 2015 | aemery

"Industry Directory"; search PRIME TECH Services

Prime Virgin Mercury 99.999% Min purity for sale

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 10:24:44 EDT 2016 | comulation

Lead (Pb) wasatrasitltd@gmail.com Skype me on Dr.AHMED

Crack solder joint. Whats the cause?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 10:25:00 EDT 2000 | Charlie

Hello, Can you tell me the prime cause of cracked solder joint on a surface mount part? Charlie,

ap25 hi E solvent menu setting

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 18 16:46:59 EST 2007 | kingfish

Good to know - what I am looking for are the settings for stencil wipe in the setup menu. Those values specific for to the solution control, prime time, index time, ext...

ap25 hi E solvent menu setting

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 21 09:26:48 EST 2007 | realchunks

Paper Advance = CONTINUOUS Index = 3 Prime = 3 Vac = ON Vac Freq = 1 VAc Speed = 3

suggest whether we can place BGA without Bals on PCB after Print

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 05 12:35:01 EST 2009 | martinphill

Davef, We have BGA (removed from PCBA). We have Cleaned up the pads. Instead of reballing can we directly mount on the Prime PCB like QFN. Thanks Martin

AR/UR Coating Application

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 09:38:46 EST 2018 | dontfeedphils

We supply to defense primes, so there's not really any wiggle room on these sort of issues. Thanks for the idea though.

radial/thru_hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 09:38:05 EDT 2007 | slthomas

Do you already have machines or are you shopping? If you're shopping and looking at used machines from Universal, get AT LEAST a Radial Lead III and preferably a V or VIII. The Radial Lead II is well past it's prime, especially for someone that's jus

Removing Markings from Devices

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 21:13:06 EDT 2008 | davef

Following chrisw's recommendation of a supplier above. Other component marking contractors are: * Prime Solutions; 4261 Business Center Dr, Fremont, CA , 94538-6357; 510-490-2299 http://www.primesol.com * e-certa.com; 3930 Walnut Ave, Bloomington, I

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