Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:38:25 EDT 2010 | aqueous
As with so many things, some brands work very well on high density, low profile assemblies and some do not. Because my company manufactures these machines, I don't want to use this forum as an advertisement so I will recommend the following: 1. Sen
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 18:34:32 EDT 2010 | aqueous
If the batch cleaner is truly closed loop, then 100% of all of the process fluid (water) is captured, filtered (particulate, carbon, resin) and reused. This answer is based on a traditional closed-loop batch cleaning system with an integrated water
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 00:18:19 EDT 2018 | aqueous
Here's a link to an article regarding foam mitigation techniques. It my be helpful. There are many causes of foam. Water alone does not foam. Flux, solubilized in to the water can produce foam. Defluxing additives contain defaming agents which should
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 11:43:06 EDT 2006 | Mike Konrad
Here's a "flameless" reply... I�ll allow others to recommend� Here is a list of the �usual suspects�: Aqueous Technologies Batch and inline de-fluxers Ultrasonic stencil cleaning systems De-fluxing and stencil cleaning chemicals www.aqueoustech.co
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad
Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 13:08:59 EDT 2007 | Mike Konrad
The best method of cleaning misprinted boards is with a stencil cleaner. I would not recommend the use of a spray-in-air system for misprints. Spray systems can cause solder paste to become embedded into vias and under components (if double sided).
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 20:55:56 EST 2007 | Mike Konrad
The answer depends on the cleaning / defluxing method. There are many fine chemicals available. One must first consider the cleaning method, then safety (environment and operator), then cost. For automated board cleaners (defluxers), consider th
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:52:45 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad
You state that you need a washer for �pcb washer/cleaner for misprints etc� Is it only for misprints or is it also for post-reflow de-fluxing? I would not suggest that you utilize one machine for both applications. Misprints should always be cle
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 13:21:12 EDT 2001 | Michael Konrad
Eric, The Kolb RB6D (and the RB5D) are not ultrasonic cleaners. They are high pressure spray cleaners. I would not recommend high pressure spray cleaners for misprinted assemblies with previously placed components (unless you don�t mind solder pas
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:34:53 EST 2006 | pjc
Look for the following machines: Aqueous Technologies ECD EMC Austin American The above mfrs. make "industrial" grade dishwashers for assembled PCB de-fluxing. Search any of those names followed by "..... batch cleaner", and your search engine will