Electronics Forum: quality certificates (Page 1 of 3)

Equipment and Product Certification

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:05:12 EDT 2015 | davef

“The global automotive industry demands world class levels of product quality, productivity and competitiveness as well as continual improvement. To achieve this goal many vehicle manufacturers insist that suppliers are certified to the quality manag

Electronic Components Distributors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 07:40:13 EST 2016 | robl

1) Look at who is actually franchised to sell the manufacturer in your region, cross check with MFG website. You can buy non-franchised, but if something goes wrong don't expect the local guys to help. 2) Do your engineers/customers need technical s

pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 03:20:49 EST 2016 | a290668789

hi, hope I'm not too late for your attention. suggest you http://www.pcbgogo.com/b, just 12usd, 2-3days for 2layer PCB prototype and the quality is amazing (ISO9001:2008 Certificate).

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 16:35:57 EST 2001 | DMZog

To all following this string, there is at least one other chemistry which has passed the South Coast Air Quality Management District testing and has Clean Air Solvent CERTIFICATION! Call Zestron for details 703-589-1198. Dave

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 18:14:19 EST 2001 | kerryn

Hi Dave, I looked into the South Coast Air Quality Management District Clean Air Solvent Certification when I was having my problems with VOCs. The problem with the SCAQMD CAS Certification is that it only certifies chemicals as they are found in t

NPI Qualification Checklist

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 09:11:31 EDT 2003 | tangch

There is a reference manual called Advanced product Quality Planning(APQP)which were widely use in automotive industry or QS certification company.Inside there has plenty of checklists which may be relevent to you.

Obtaining EPA Certification

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 17:37:04 EST 2001 | billschreiber

Dear Mary, There are two major programs provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Certification and Verification. Basically, the California EPA Certified the Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaning Process and the U.S. EPA Verified the California

Confused....Need Help On AS9100

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 14:08:30 EDT 2008 | arminski

Can A Company or Electronic Manufacturing Company go for AS9100 certification if the Quality Policy states that we only meet IPC Class 2 Standard? I'm just very confused for I know AS9100 is an Aerospace Quality System and must meet IPC Class 3. thi

Re: IPC Standards and ISO 9000

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 19:58:54 EST 2000 | Dave F

We will say some novenas for you. IPC Standards are very easy to find at the IPC website, www.ipc.org International Organization for Standardization standards are very easy to find at IOS website, www.iso.ch/ Registrars for ISO certification are at

ISO Registered vs ISO Certified

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 13:10:58 EDT 2015 | horchak

ISO has absolutely nothing to do with quality. You either build a quality product or you don't. The audits and maintenance of the certification is expensive, and the audits are a joke. Stop and think that the individual doing the audit has no idea ho

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