Electronics Forum: radio (Page 1 of 9)

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 13:26:34 EDT 2002 | dougt

If it's not blowing the fuse in the car then I guess it wasn't drawing a huge amount of current. Check the power wires going into the radio and look for something loose. My first guess is your loosing voltage across a bad connection somewhere and a

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 10:59:35 EDT 2002 | Simon Davis

Hi Folks, This is a totally speculative, if not cheeky post. I know very little about electronics, but I think you guys do. I have a problem with my car radio, that I'd really like to solve, as I cannot buy a new one where I live (Brazil), and I th

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 11:50:03 EDT 2002 | dougt

What is happening is your bench supply is unable to supply enough current so the voltage drops. When you turn up the volume knob your asking for more current and the voltage drops more (the led's in the faceplate dim). It also sounds like when you

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 14:22:37 EDT 2002 | davef

If that's the case, it's most likely the radio is bad. Again, I'm not clear, but it sounds like using the MD is the trigger to shut the player down: * Stop using the MD. * Fix the MD or some of the associated power supply regulation circuitry. For

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 14:33:32 EDT 2002 | Simon

Thanks to all of you. This is very kind. I'll have a good poke around the circuit board for loose / hot components - good tips. I think it might be a throw away job, but I thought I'd give it a last try. You guys have actually given me much more

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 13:43:48 EDT 2002 | barryg

You right Simon, this forum is not for that type of question, but since you have been polite and desperate, i'll shoot some help. Your right, sounds like it is the unit, there is probably a component failed that is shutting down the unit when it gets

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 12:06:11 EDT 2002 | simon

Thanks a lot for the reply. The power supply I'm using (12v) is from an HP scanner, so I guess it's always likely that it's not man enough for the job. There were no fuse problems in the car, it just dies. As it is the same problem whether in the

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 12:56:56 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

simon- davef is on the right track. 1st year electronics courses teaches us that you should always check the power supply first. In this case, the power supply in question is not your power source but the regulated power within the unit. I suspect o

radio frequency in OSP surface finishing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 10:21:46 EDT 2010 | ranco13

Hello all, Can anyone know what influence has on RF/HF components when using PCB with OSP coating? We are now manufacturing our RF components on PCB with ENIG coating ,and want to use OSP instead. By the way:If anyone can send me an article on this s

Bartector or Crestsolutions reel verification systems?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 17:58:22 EDT 2005 | GS

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. A strategic tecnology. Regards...........GS

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