Electronics Forum: rear door (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 17 19:43:20 EDT 2009 | fujiphil

Have you eliminated the hardware N.G.? Check the connection for the rear door. If the connection are ok, try to bypass the key. short the two wires for the rear door. If the rear door problem is corrected, check the rear door switch physically. Reg

MPM AP25 Print Repeatability Problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 27 17:49:41 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Open the rear door that has the cooling fans on it. Look at the wiper blade regulator, look toward the front of the machine about 8" or so and to then left 3"or 4". There should be a lexan cover/box over the board that has this pot. on it. If stil


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 17 07:50:32 EDT 2009 | csm

Dear Jepoy We check the oilmatic system and I found a relay is not working, it will arrive until tomorrow. We still have 2 errors and 1 message, we are taking time because we don't have the Fuji CP6-4000 manuals or electric diagrams. we get this ma

MPM Sigmaprint 400

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 19:43:49 EDT 2017 | aemery

Simon, Trying to dust off my 400 knowledge here, I can picture the 500 and 1500 better in my head. I think the 400 also has a Z axis amplifier box in the back of the machine. Remove the rear lower door and pull out the big square vacuum box. If it

Dek MK1

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 21 19:25:42 EDT 2006 | Ola

I assuming that you already have checked the fuses? Also, check all the power: +5V, +12V, +-24V, etc. We had to change our PSU once, after a major power-drop due to a thunderstorm. But you should be ok if you can pinpoint what type of voltage you are

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 05:01:38 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Motor Error 5 is usually an interlock error. Take off the rear right cover and look at the red and green led's on the driver cards. If they are both lit....you have a door open or if you have carts....a feeder base switch is up. Good Luck

Re: DI Filration And Bacteria

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 23:03:28 EDT 1998 | Mikec

| I inherited a DI system that's um...not in good shape. | I would be forever indebted to anyone who could help me | with several problems related to this. | Flow rate 3.5-5GPM | Incoming pressure:50PSI | Application: deionized water provided to Elec

Matrix Trays

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 09:48:35 EDT 2005 | PWH

Post a simple CAD picture of a BGA or IC on the door of the machine near where it gets loaded. This has helped us. Flash IC's can also be difficult as you can't always put pin one near front, left of tray slot. So... we always say pin one left no

Mydata Hydra tool reference mark error

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 14:55:58 EDT 2013 | dyoungquist

We had that problem on our M12. There were a few components that had gotten dropped into the camera area as the hydra head past over it. Our MY12 has a knob towards the front of the machine in direct line with the camera. Pulling this knob release

Mydata Hydra tool reference mark error

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 19:21:39 EDT 2013 | amelby

We had that problem on our M12. There were a few > components that had gotten dropped into the > camera area as the hydra head past over it. Our > MY12 has a knob towards the front of the machine > in direct line with the camera. Pulling this


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