Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 09:19:17 EST 2008 | davef
By the way you asked the question, we assume that by "reballing" you mean bumping, we should be able to figure that out: * Volume of the ball = ( pi*d^�)/6 = [355/113] *0.6*0.6*0.6]/6 = 0.11mm^3 * Volume of solder required = 2*volume of ball = 2*0.11
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 15:27:51 EDT 2001 | jschake
Challenges: The basic defects that impact assembly yield are bridging, satellite solder balls, and opens (i.e. tombstones / draw bridges). There are many variables with the stencil printing process that can impact these; several of them are listed
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 19:03:49 EST 2005 | myu
We need to rework for CCGA1657 (Ceramic Column Grid Array): removal and soldering. Its size: 42.5 x 42.5 mm. Its height is 7.25 - 9.61 mm. We use 63Tin-37Lead water-soluble paste. Our mini-stencil is 6-mil with 27 mil apertures. Please show your expe
Electronics Forum | Mon May 29 02:15:06 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper
Hi Buddy, We've tried shifting to this process before and from our point of view here are some of the advantage and disadvantages that we discovered. Advantage 1) Cheap Equipment cost as you just need to use your Solder Paste Printer rather than buy
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 00:34:42 EST 2015 | comatose
There isn't going to be much worthwhile used equipment out there if you mean true jetting - it is a pretty recent process. There are lots of used stencil printers out there, so from an up-front cost perspective, stencil wins. Jetting is slow. A hig
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 10 17:20:25 EST 2002 | Matt Kehoe
Dont forget, if you dont want to print paste and deal with the challenges of placing components in wet paste, solid solder deposit can save you the cost of the stencil printer, while offering better first pass yields than traditional methods. It just
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 09:18:28 EST 2005 | chunks
EMI shields are no fun! Your process will depend on your design and condition of the shields. We always break the shields into their own process. Because the shields are never flat, screen printing paste and trying to reflow them only caused huge
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 05:56:28 EDT 2015 | spoiltforchoice
http://www.surfacemountprocess.com/solder-paste-printing-process.html this site has some pretty good general advice for the novice. I am in no way affiliated with it and I have no idea as to its eventual commerical aims (if any). ENIG if your produc
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 20:59:55 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper
| | | What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? | | | | Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usua
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 13:44:09 EST 2007 | dsoohoo
After some precursory experimentation, I am planing on employing a form of low melting temp solder for use in reworking some very dense, copper core PCB's, both SMT and THT, which were originally mounted with 63/37 solder. The main problem with the