Electronics Forum: resistor networks (Page 1 of 5)

resistor networks- leadless vs. gull wing

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 11:38:32 EDT 1999 | danielm

I am in the process of picking a new resistor network for one of our new board. Since we are new to SMT i would like to get some opinions on networks. Currently we use one molded gullwing type network on our boards with no problems. Other than space

Re: resistor networks- leadless vs. gull wing

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 23:33:30 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| I am in the process of picking a new resistor network for one of our new board. Since we are new to SMT i would like to get some opinions on networks. Currently we use one molded gullwing type network on our boards with no problems. Other than spac

Re: resistor networks- leadless vs. gull wing

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 26 14:09:24 EDT 1999 | jgodfrey

| | I am in the process of picking a new resistor network for one of our new board. Since we are new to SMT i would like to get some opinions on networks. Currently we use one molded gullwing type network on our boards with no problems. Other than sp

Re: resistor networks- leadless vs. gull wing

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 04:08:25 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | I am in the process of picking a new resistor network for one of our new board. Since we are new to SMT i would like to get some opinions on networks. Currently we use one molded gullwing type network on our boards with no problems. Other than

Solderability of Resistor Network Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 14:58:41 EDT 2002 | R.Barcelos

There has been an increase in the number of defects regarding the solderability of resistor network arrays(pin opens specifically). Has anyone else experienced this? Also, does anyone have any FYI that they would like to share?

Re: Resistor Paks on solder side of board

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 13:00:15 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

By resistor packs do you mean SOIC resistor networks ?

Soldering of smt Resistor Networks

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 20:18:40 EST 2005 | davef

What is the specific problem? Tell about: * Resistor pack * Board layout * Stencil aperatures

Re:Help!! Couple more questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 11:38:53 EDT 2000 | Kevin Facinelli

Couple more questions: The problem we have is that on the bottom side we are using a bunch of resistor networks. These have been very difficult to solder through the wave. The products: Top Side: 4-6 BGA 2/3 QFP 500 component

Solderability of Resistor Network Arrays

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 04 18:03:25 EDT 2002 | arzu

I recognize this problem as well, building only prototypes with all attention possible, the (small) networks need extra attention for they show opens. Maybe it helps to increase the placementforce a bit to increase the contact area to the paste befor

Solderability of Resistor Network Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 22:00:19 EDT 2002 | davef

Not sure of the package style or the specific problem you're talking about, but consider searching the fine SMTnet Archives since we have talked about this previously, several times.

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