Electronics Forum: samsung sm431 board size (Page 1 of 2)

Samsung Quad QSA 30 Final setup

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 18:54:34 EDT 2012 | kahrpr

Make sure the board size is big enough. the placement can not be outside of the board size.

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:05:25 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT chip mounter Reflow Ovens: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-assembly-line-equipment-SMT-spare-parts-Dek-Motor-188962.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-Conveyor-for-LED-Production-Line-SMT-Assembly-Line.html http://www.flason-

Samsung Placement Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 10:01:42 EDT 2003 | Sat

You are welcome and thank you for all the inputs. You are right in that these new machines have the camera vision. Like I said in my other post, my engg's like all the machines but prefer Universal and Mydata for a bit more available flexibility like

Board Support During Pick & Place

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 17:55:49 EST 2004 | Dale Freeman

I populate several thin panels (0.032")using a Samsung S-2000 P-N-P machine. With panel sizes of 8" by 10", it is very difficult to clamp the panels into the machine with deflection and bowing. Also, the Samsung makes it very difficult to adjust the

Board Support During Pick & Place

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 12:25:37 EST 2004 | I ramos

I populate several thin panels (0.032")using a > Samsung S-2000 P-N-P machine. With panel sizes > of 8" by 10", it is very difficult to clamp the > panels into the machine with deflection and > bowing. Also, the Samsung makes it very difficult

DIMA smro 0406 is good machine or not for doing lead free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 18:20:22 EST 2014 | sreejhu

Hello, Also I wanted to tell you. I decided to go with a brand new machine. Please tell me which is the best machine for mid Volume. Samsung, heller, Dima, essemtec, acto USA, C.I.F Which company do you suggest me.. The best. My duties: We have boa

Small components sticking to nozzles

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 02:16:55 EDT 2022 | spacecase

Hey I'm having an issue with a samsung 421f component placer. The machine is fine on the first 5 boards then on the 6th or so it just throws them wherever. The problem is the smallest flat components start sticking to the nozzle even after hitting th

Samsung CP20CV

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 16:46:40 EDT 2023 | assuredtech

We have the following Samsung CP20 spare parts and feeders available, we also have CP40 - CP45 spare parts and feeders available - please inquire. 1.) Fine Suntronix MRK OR4-H Power Supply 24V 16 Amp Output 2.) Y Axis Service AmplifierSanyo Denki PY0

Samsung SM482

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 16:28:06 EDT 2018 | monikak

Hi All. I found this pleace becouse I looking gor your help. I have a P&p samasung SM482 with this waring : Origin position of st1f-w Axis looks heving been changed. Check Axis. Conveyor is moving stright to the sensor. Its stop about 1mm before and

FBGA Stencil Apertures

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 09:46:20 EST 2001 | pjc

I need some guidance here. I've got a new board w/ a FBGA-48 package, Samsung CMOS SRAM. It's a full matrix BGA w/ 0.30mm-0.40mm ball diameter @ 0.75mm pitch. Balls are eutectic. PCB land diameter is 0.4mm. There are TSOP I 0.5mm lead pitch component

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