Electronics Forum: selective galvanic gold (Page 1 of 8)

gold connectors

Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 17:04:02 EDT 2002 | davef

We use boots / shunts er wutt ever you call them to protect solderable component surfaces from wave soldering. Not sure how it would work in your case try: * Kinnarney Rubber 450 Main St. P.O.Box 37 Mantua, N.J. 08051 609-468-1320 fax 7438 http://ww

gold wire bonding

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 16:03:53 EST 2005 | Chris

I have lots of experience with thermosonic gold ball bonding. You can read the literature and you will probably find some papers that say you can do it. I have never been able to do it. We gold ball bond all day long with little problems at all bu

gold wire bonding

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 29 10:47:05 EST 2005 | Chris

The paper Dave posted the link for is great. I have to go back and read it in depth. I can build prototypes by wirebonding to ENIG. I can do it on a manual wirebonder but I don't have the patience to do it on a magazine to magazine automatic machi

Re: gold fingers over wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 13:16:40 EST 2000 | Dave F

Tony: You have choices: * Hi Temperature Tape: Go with Wolfgang ... too tough to control. * Selective Soldering Pallets: Some like 'em some don't. A lot of your success depends on the pallet fabricator. * Screenable Temporary Solder Mask: Wol

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 11:26:12 EDT 2006 | flipit

Hi, I believe you have classic gold imbrittlement here. With 80 microinches of gold you are way over the limit. You can try to reflow longer time and at a higher temperature. The gold does not melt into the solder joint. The gold dissolves into

Re: soldering to hard gold plated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 23:40:26 EST 1999 | Chris G.

| Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connect

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 14:52:53 EST 2002 | Chris

Hi, I have read many articles about theromsonically bonding to soft gold. Many of these articles state you can bond to 10uinches of gold. I have worked with both Hughes and Panasonic bonders at two different companies and I have never been able to

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 15:24:49 EST 2002 | mregalia

Thanks Chris. As I was writing my last message our mailperson dropped off the latest issue of Circuit Assembly. It has an article on mixing SMT and COB on the same board. The author recommends as a compromise 10-20 micro inches of gold over 70-100 of

soldering to hard gold plated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 16:45:20 EST 1999 | Mark Henebry

Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connector

Re: soldering to hard gold plated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 18:36:47 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connect

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