Electronics Forum: smt sen mems (Page 1 of 1)

Cleaning PCBs with a MEMS microphone on it

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 10:52:18 EDT 2023 | dontfeedphils

Can you install the part post-smt with no clean flux?

Critical processes identification

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 16:33:45 EDT 2001 | davef

Your first inclination is correct. You should start by asking your friends and colleagues on SMTnet: * What is that SMT or MEMS or COB etc.? * What are the considerations when processing a SMT or MEMS or COB etc.? We�re one smart crew that won�t st

SMT machines obsolescence

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 08:34:01 EDT 2003 | caldon

You should also look at the Semiconductor assembly side as well. Datacon and others are working hard to knock down the barriers between SMT and Semi. Also look at process obsolescence! Flip chip has been around for year but has not made it into main

Critical processes identification

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 12:31:02 EDT 2001 | nifhail

Let's assume that SMT or MEMS or COB etc, is a new things and about to be introduced to the line, nobody knows about this new process and I was asked to select the critical proceses and parameter, how and where should I start? Thanks and best rega


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