Electronics Forum: solder mask peel off at wave soldering (Page 1 of 2)

Small blister, solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 13:34:29 EDT 2004 | df_indy

I am four weeks into my new job, there always seems to be some issues here with PCB every week. Today while I was checking some assemblies with micro-scope, I found a lot of tiny bubbles/blisters on the board. They are just little dots if you look

Re: water soluble solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 14:27:08 EDT 1999 | mikeh

Dave F, We are currently using a latex based ambient/thermal cure material that is applied by hand or automated dispensing equipment. Printing is an option for us, but we have not had much luck with this particular material. The mask is peeled off a

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 13:11:39 EDT 2005 | jsloot

We have our board house apply a peel coat mask that can be brushed off after wave or reflow. You need to brush off while it's still warm.

Re: water soluble mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 08:52:11 EDT 1999 | Brian

| i had a problem here, during the wave soldering process, we apply a water soluble mask on the gold finger to protect it from contamination. But after washing, there is still some mask left on the gold finger. | Can anyone pls advise is there any pa

Solder Mask Bubbling off after Wave Soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 03 23:17:51 EDT 2000 | Brian G

We have been experiencing intermittent problems with the solder masking bubbling up from the bottom side of the board, after wave soldering. Our board fabricator claims that none of his other customers are experiencing this problem, and that it is pr

Removing over-cured peelable mask (Wave Solder)

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 11:28:55 EDT 2018 | etmpalletguy

Use a solder pallet, the pallet will mask off the locations required, thus eliminating the need for any kind of masking!! You've eliminated the need to apply, but you still have to peel off, not much of time saver. Pallets can be used for batch or s

Re: no-clean mask for gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 16:07:20 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

| hi, | i am working towards developing a no-clean process for a customer at contract manufacturing facility. the assemblies have gold fingers on them. these are masked to prevent from any damage to them during reflow soldering. the earlier proces

Re: no-clean mask for gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 20:34:13 EST 1999 | parag palshikar

| | hi, | | i am working towards developing a no-clean process for a customer at contract manufacturing facility. the assemblies have gold fingers on them. these are masked to prevent from any damage to them during reflow soldering. the earlier pr

Re: turbulent wave restrictions

Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 13:22:37 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| I am running a board that is .062" thick and has components that over hang the edge of the board by .090". I have bottom side smt components (chip caps and resistors only) and use the turbulent wave to help solder the components. The problem I am

Re: Selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 09 14:35:58 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Does anyone out there have hands on experience of selective soldering. Either masking or miniwave type. I am looking for pointers with regard to equipment selection and known process problems/ limitations | Charles, I've used both miniwave and s

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