Electronics Forum: solder melting temperature chart (Page 1 of 26)

Re: Alloy melting Points

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 18:14:35 EST 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

Hi Brian, Here is the web address for Indium. If you go to the "technical papers" and then to "specialty solders and alloys" they have a really great chart that has all the alloy specs. Well worth printing. ........Jeff Sanchez

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 08:26:03 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

| | | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, ther

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 10:08:48 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| | | | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first,

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 16:57:02 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there wi

Re: Alloy melting Points, This one has it

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 18:18:08 EST 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

Hi Brian, Here is the web address for Indium. If you go to the "technical papers" and then to "specialty solders and alloys" they have a really great chart that has all the alloy specs. Well worth printing. ........Jeff Sanchez

Solder bath temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 13:13:14 EST 2017 | dyoungquist

What type of solder are you using, Lead or Lead-Free? What is the melting point of it? What temperature are you setting your solder bath to? Possible solutions: 1) Give your solder bath a little more time to even out the temperature across the en

Solder bath temperature

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 08:06:52 EST 2017 | bukas

i have an issue with solder bath temperature. there is a big difference in temperature of alloy in the middle of the bath and at the ends(about 35C). i took down heating elements for inspection and they look fine. its just that most of the heat is cr

Re: Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 21:41:46 EST 1999 | chartrain

Temperature vs time is what soldering is all about. The faster you run your conveyor, the more heat will have to come from the pot for a given assembly. Example: You heat the board to 200F top side through the preheaters. Eutectic 63/37 melts at 361.

temperature profile for ENIG

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 05:16:44 EST 2016 | slavek

Hello, I want to ask on suitable temperature profile for PCBs with ENIG final surface finish. I know that it is complex question with many unknowns. When the PCB will be standard 1,5 mm 35/35 Cu and the amount of components will have any influence o

About temperature sensitive component

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 11:08:13 EDT 2004 | davef

We're not sure what you mean by temperature sensitive components. From an assembly process stand-point, every component we use is temperature sensitive to one level or another. More specifically, some of our products use polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)

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